lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Beijing second part (start)

First of all, I wanna say that this is not something new for me, I started a blog like two years ago on Blogspot, but I hadn’t written anything over there since the last presidential campaign in Colombia. I don’t know if writting my thoughts has any sense, but I just wanna and feel like doing it. Probably it doesn’t make sense at all if you read this and don’t know me, but if you know who I am, you’ll get to know the way I think and feel about other people.

Now, let’s start with all of this mess. Today I felt lonely as I hadn’t felt before: Erick, Nicole, Jeremy, Seung Bin, María, Benedetta, etc. All of my closest friends left China. I still got Ghazal, my Iranian friend that I love so much… but it’s everyone leaving against she staying in Beijing. It’s gonna be like a new beginning of my life in China

This second part of my adventure in China, it’s gonna have a lot of good memories with my friends I met here, but as usual, nothing lasts forever. This new period of time will probably bring tons of new people, friends, party, characters, exams, etc, etc, etc…. I already got new flatmate: he’s name is Sina, from Iran.Today I’ll start a new way of living my life: I’m gonna print some photos of my family and my friends, then I’ll put them in the thing María gave me, so that I can smile everyday :) And of course I’m gonna keep playing guitar!!

I gotta accept that if I’m writing again, it’s because I got a bit of influence from Erick, one of the best guys I’ve ever met in my life, my flatmate for 6 months that I’ll never forget! Oh, and that’s not the only thing he’s influenced in my life: GUITAR!! haha I love playing the songs he used to play when he was here, it brings as many memories as you couldn’t believe!

Today I cleaned, organized, smoked, spoke, hugged, saw, laughed, played, listened, wrote, walked, drank, ate and it feels well to be me, living this new start of my life in China.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

"Morgan Stanley, la prestigiosa banca de
inversión, acaba de publicar en su boletín mensual que la llegada de
Mockus a la Presidencia de Colombia no representaría ningún peligro
para las inversiones en el país".

Perfil de Antanas Mockus en FB.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Armando Benedetti

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010


Bueno, hoy es mi cumpleaños, y siendo la 1:22am leo un poema que tiene una frase que me gusta mucho:

"Un cielo que responda a mi delirio sin hacerme sentir mi pequeñez; un cielo mío, que me esté mirando, y que tan sólo a mí mirando esté".

Quiero delirar a la medida que mis sentidos no permitan, para sentirme no pequeño, como lo que soy, sino que me haga ignorar esa diminutez que representa mi existencia. Quiero delirar, y que mis sentidos se unan con el cielo. Pero quiero que ese cielo me pertenezca como mi alma, que sólo sirve a mi persona.

Frase: Rafael Pombo
Poema: Noche de Diciembre

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010


"The more I know people, the more I love my dog". Mark Twain

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

How to lose a brother (Fast guide)

This is very very easy, just try to follow what i'm going to tell you, step by step i'm gonna guide you so that you will lose a brother (friend) as fast as possible. Let's start:

1. You probably know and understand that you are not always right, it is not that your point of view is stupid or your ideas are freak, but someone else's got the reason. I don't think it's that difficult to understand, but if you try to make him understand this point, even by telling him that everything he blows his own trumpet of is against that point of view he's always defended, but he's that stubborn that is unbelievable for him to accept he's wrong. If you achieved trying to make him understand, but he didn't and only got mad angry at you, you're doing a great job for our aim.

2. Post a video of something he mocks of on any of your mutual friend's wall. Explanation: he mocks of some kind of "divine" person, even by telling people: "hey, don't be stupid, that person is not divine". even though they have believed so for several years, he tries to disrespect that tradition by telling people what i'v said before. Now, point is: if you get to post that video of that "divine" person, being kind of laughed at, even though he disrespects him, he will get mad angry at you. It works something like this: he is able disrespect him, but you are not, and if you "do" (shall I say you dont disrespect someone by posting a video you didnt even do??) .......then he'll get angry!

Are you sure you're doing your best to lose him?? go ahead!

3. He probably admires any kind of person, and probably has his own reasons, as you probably, as I do so too. But, if you tell him your point of view, and ask him to rethink about those people he'll do GREAT! you didnt tell him: hey, do not admire that person, but think twice about admiring him, or did you? I dont think so. I consider this third step is the most important one. it will really show you how many times this person lied to you, by saying he was your real brother, that brother you have almost never had, by saying he loved you, but never actually did. if he loved you, and was your brother, why cant he respect your opinion? you respected him, right? i know you did, you never swore at him although he did at you. Big lie.

By the way, if you can call him "liar" ..Perfect. it'll freak him out, so that you'll lose him even faster.

This is a sad story, it was a real thing that happened to me, don't worry it happened, but just inside my head, imagination is that powerful, that sometimes makes you think you got a real brother, in other country, in other language, with other thoughts, but ....with capital letter....your BROTHER.

Rómulo Caicedo

"Se apague para siempre mi corazón herido,
se tornen mis pupilas sin lagrimar jamás,
y en mi ultimo suspiro tan solo una sonrisa
te han de dejar mis labios perdonando tu mal."